In addition to conducting individual subject-matter scans and providing feedback to the client, we also carry out broader assessments. These go beyond the pure client feedback and interpretation of the online scan. We name a scan an assessment when there is also a feedback discussion with the candidate themself, when there is contextual interpretation and discussion around candidate opportunities and/or when personality tests are also involved.
LIGHT Development assessment (content):
Purely via online subject-matter scan(s) and discussion/indication of results with candidate and client.
DEEP Development assessment (content):
The candidate’s strengths and development points are objectively determined through an online subject-matter scan(s). This, combined with the client’s specific questions provides the right input. The candidate makes (preferably at our location) a professional business case (open questions) followed by a face-to-face discussion on the direction the answers took. The points of interest can then be explored in additional depth. The results and findings are then discussed with the client.
BROAD Development assessment (content and personality):
Combination of subject-matter scans with personality test and purpose within the candidate’s context. Discussion/interpretation of the results with various experts to come to a thorough and complete conclusion. Mostly done online.
COMPLETE Development assessment (content and personality):
Interviews, subject-matter business case, personal reflection, and objectification of pitfalls / opportunities via a personality test. The subject-matter online scans previously done, are used to establish the level and identify focus points. Mostly done face-to-face.

The Development Assessment
The Development Assessment discloses in a powerful way what a candidate has within, in terms of subject-matter strength and personal skills. Where is the potential (or lack thereof), how do we develop it, what are our benchmarks? In which area will someone become their professional best and what impact does it have for the decisions that person, or the employers have to make. We objectify that which could not be objectified before, in a way that brings understanding and respect for both the candidate and the outcome of the Development Assessment.
Many hundreds of professionals in Finance from different organizations and industries worldwide, are now looking through the mirror of the Development Assessment for professionals in Finance.
The objective may vary: recruitment, promotion, team optimization, inventory…etc. but in all cases, you will emerge with a clear, powerful and authentic picture of that person’s subject-matter strength and human skills, and of where these skills can be developed and best put to use.
On the subject-matter side, the assessment consists in an open-question business case with for each question, a selection of answers varying in nuance and depth. Depending on the strength and potential of the candidate, he/she will go one way or the other and go deeper into detail or just fly over. Following the initial completion behind the PC, the assessor (an experienced CFO) invites the candidate to explore alternative solutions or to deepen their answers.
In addition to the subject-matter test, we make use of personal characteristic tests carried out by certified professionals. We have found the Organic Score Card to be ideal for individual development trajectories, but also use, in particular for recruitment trajectories and team optimization, Profile Dynamics and DISC.
To complete the picture, we also invest time in an in-depth interview with the candidate and send an invitation for the online scan, prior to the assessment day. The latter provides a simple comparison with thousands of other candidates worldwide, serving as an objective check for the final conclusions. You can find additional information on the online scan on this website.